Блэр Кэтрин

Кэтрин Блэр (Katharyn Blair) - современная американская писательница, живет в Лос Анжелесе.
Oh, hi. My name is in very large letters at the top of this heading, so I assume you know my name (Katharyn).
And what I do (Write novels and screenplays).
I live in LA, drink way too much coffee, and write all day long -- because I'm crazy blessed to do what I've been doing for fun since I was a kid hiding in my garage loft writing terrible, terrible vampire stories. Glitter enthusiast. Bethyl shipper. Pluviophile. Ask me about my Dean Winchester obsession. John 1:5.
I'm wife to Ross and mom to Aryn, Liam, and River Grace. Also, mom to Cricket (a dog, not an insect), and Maggie Rhee (cat, not the bad ass from The Walking Dead), and Kovacs (no parenthetical needed for him).
I'm represented by Brianne "The Shark" Johnson of Writers House, and Mary Pender of UTA.